Monday, January 19, 2009

Future Delivered

I just had to share this.

I picked up the paper this morning, since we are off school I have a pretty relaxed morning with Diana here. I read several sections before picking up the Daily Break. I really like celebrity news and there was an article about Lance Armstrong and his hopes to go to Washington with a new administration to get assistance with his anti-cancer message. Good stuff. I read the article and felt "Wow, now he is making a difference." I glanced over to the right and saw the names of two very powerful women in entertainment who share a birthday today, Dolly Parton and Paula Deen. I was about to put the section away and grab the career connection section, just for fun. I noticed the horoscopes. Ran down the signs to Sagittarius, curious what random jumbled up mess was written in code to the people to decipher what to do that day when I read it as clear as day. My message on what I need to do. Not just today either.

Here is what my horoscope in the newspaper said...

Writing for pleasure proves to be exceptionally cathartic for you. And who knows, perhaps in the process, you might even work out an old issue or two and find a way to make some money.

Guess what else. It gets better. I am only supposed to get newspapers on Wednesday and Sunday. Strange.....

Guess I will be doing some writing today. How can I not???

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The title

I thought a long time about what I wanted this blog to be about and why I was writing it. I am looking for a way to explain my life, probably more to me than anyone else. I think that the words on the screen represent so much more to me than just thoughts. To see the letters pour on to the screen is like seeing my life before my eyes. There to examine. It is hard not to notice the contrast of the black letters appearing on the white screen one at a time as if from nowhere. But that nowhere is somewhere.

Today I had a very insightful conversation with my friend Annie. Neither one of us are devoted to believing in destiny but today we were destined to have the conversation we did. We are having some of the very same thoughts about the direction our professional lives are on track to lead us. Trying to figure out who we are and what we are maybe "destined" to do. I do not know what the future will hold for Annie, or for myself for that matter.

Over the course of the next week, the structure for my book will start to come together as I focus on who I am and what I want my story to be. Just like this blog, I want to feel that the black letters appearing on the white screen will stand out in contrast. They will not only stand on my shelf as a book with a title, but in my heart as a capsule of who I am.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Resolutions for 2009 (Part 1)

This year I have decided there is a lot of things that I will strive to do differently. Most of them are small (do able) resolutions. With the successes of those I hope to be able to achieve some of the more challenging ones.

During this year many people will look to the negative when thinking about the state of the economy. Everyone seems to forget that people in our country have always been able to get by. My mother came from a very rural tobacco farm in western Virginia. She was born in the 1930's at the heels of the Great Depression. It is amazing to think how just a short time ago people, normal, average families in American towns were living the way she has shared with me over the years. I have heard countless stories, all at my asking, about what it was like growing up on the farm. (Note to self: Future Blog Post) Through it all, these families were survivors and there is no reason why with a little hard work it can be done now.

Many of the resolutions below are related to finances. Many families across America are realizing that it is time to tighten up the "purse strings" and reign it in. I have come across the most fabulous group of people across America doing just that on They have given me the inspiration for a lot of the faith that I can accomplish resolution #1 this year.

1. Save money by cutting more coupons. Hopefully double what I currently am doing. More refunds too. I found a great site and it is kinda fun. I will be posting a brag about a Target trip too!
2. Keep organized! It's a hard one with David, but I will try my best.
3. Relax more often. I am already saving change (see another resolution) up for a special day at the spa!
4. Save spare change for something just for me!!! I have a list in mind already including a manicure/pedicure appointment, a massage, Spa day, or just a nice day out. I have heard of people saving up lots of change when you simply just put a jar out to throw all of it in. After the accumulation, cash it in, and enjoy the "savings" (which I am never so good at!)

The list of resolutions will have to continue another time. There is more to come with 2009. The most exciting of which is the start of my first book, and hopefully not my last.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today has been a day of limbo. Not sure what to think. Not sure what to say. It is amazing how one person can have so many emotions. The ability to feel things is some thing so primal yet so exotic. There is nothing that can be said or done to change how feelings make you feel. Their reach is endless. All feelings, whether good or bad, reminds you that you are alive. You are living life. You are experiencing life. Life is happening. Feelings are like the wind, you know they will come again, you just don't know from which ways.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The First One

Christina's First Blog Post of 2009

Usually at the start of a new year, everyone sets resolutions for themselves. After one or two days, you revert back to your old ways.
This year has proven to be different. As we start 2009 I have been "newly crowned" a single mother. Certainly not a new years resolution that I was looking for, but again, not totally my decision. My resolutions were good but not that.
One of my resolutions, which is now changing shape, is to start my own web page/blog. The blog was going to be about my family. Now I am going to redirect and use it as a way to record my transition and feelings too.
Happy new year, and yes, it is happy. Please don't think that this is a way to get pity. I don't have any negative feelings about this move. I am a positive person and always have been. Why change that now? I have been through worse, those of you who have known me for a while know my life has been anything but easy. I have always remembered one thing, God never gives me more than he knows I can handle. Through everything in life, as hard as it might have been, I have always learned something from my experience. I am sure my learning is just getting started.
Happy New Year to all!
More to come....